Media Requirements
Category Description
Campaigns based on artificial intelligence, virtual reality and machine learning platforms and technology for media plans and brand marketing activations.
Entries should be formatted as case study PDF or video. Please include all relevant information that may be necessary for the jury to properly evaluate your entry
JPEG upload
Each entry MUST have a JPEG uploaded before it can be finalized- The JPEG serves as the “cover” of your entry and should be indicative of your work
Mandatory: Yes
Required: 1
Media Types Accepted
Media type: Image
File types: jpg, jpeg
File size: Up to 50 Mb
Minimum resolution: 600 x 800
Case Study PDF or Video
You must submit a case study EITHER as PDF (max 5 pages) OR video (Max 3 mins)
Mandatory: Yes
Required: 1
Media Types Accepted
Media type: Video
File types: mov, mp4
File size: Up to 1024 Mb
Minimum resolution: 640 x 480
Max duration: 3m:00s
Media type: Document
File types: pdf
File size: Up to 50 Mb